Writing Misconceptions
The Writing Misconceptions series addresses the myths and misconceptions that float around the internet—those rumors that usually begin with the words "I know a guy who . . ."
Worst Writing Advice
Worst Writing Advice highlights some of the worst advice I've heard, passed along from generation to generation, Facebook group to Twitter chat, writer to writer. A lot of these are referred to as "zombie rules," dead and out-of-date grammar rules that somehow continue to keep on keepin' on.
Editor's Notes
Editor's Notes is a series of notes from me, the editor, on everything: what type of editing is needed; how to find the right editor for your book, how to deal with the amount of red ink on your revisions; choosing points of view to write from; capitalization rules; punctuating dialogue; best book recommendations for writing and editing; and much more.
From the Circular File
The circular file is, for those of you who may be unware, the trash can. This series of posts highlights those wonderful moments when strangers ask for free edits or try to con or bully editors into providing services for a fraction of the real cost.
ERE Miscellaneous
This section has pretty much everything else: miscellaneous topics, random posts, year-end reflections, and more. Check it out!