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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Time for a Blog Break

Well, everyone, you may or may not have noticed I've been posting infrequently and sporadically over the past month or so. I'm here to tell you it's not going to improve anytime soon, sad to say.

I find myself in need of a blog break. My time lately has not been my own, and it's been increasingly difficult to find the time to sit down to gather my thoughts and write up a decent post. It's even been hard for S.K. and me to meet up for coffee, if you can believe that. No coffee = no fun. And let's be frank: if you know us at all, you know clarity of thought is elusive even on a good day. Without coffee, well . . . just be thankful we haven't posted most of those chats.

What bums me out even more is that I've been missing the great posts all of you have been putting out there! I won't allow myself to skim through and give the much-despised "Great post! Thanks for sharing!" just to prove I've been there. I really enjoy what you all have to say, and want to give it the time and attention it deserves.

The good news here is that I'm lacking time because I have two jobs I really love. My full-time job takes up almost 40 hours in a four-day span, but I get to be very musical and get money for it. Who wouldn't love that?

I've also been editing like crazy, which means business is great but also means adding about 20-25 more hours in a completely different direction. Since last fall, I've quadrupled the number of authors I'm working with, and each of them has brought a new dimension to my work. I've also found the more variety I have, the more efficient I've become, and the edits are easier overall. Yet another winning situation that gives me a great deal of satisfaction.

Homeschooling our youngest has to fit in there somewhere, too, but thank goodness she's in high school now and very flexible about my teaching help coming at odd hours of the day and night, weekends, via text/email, in the car, etc. The beauty of homeschooling is truly the "no classroom needed" aspect, and as I go into my 17th year of it, I think I have a grasp on what's realistically doable.

All this adds up, though, and doesn't leave a whole lot of time for other things. I knew it was time for a break when I realized it's taken me three weeks to write up this post. Hmm . . . talk about confirming what I already knew!

I'll miss everyone, and I hope you don't forget about me while I'm absent, because I'll be looking forward to when I can join up with the blogging community again. Happy blogging, and I'll see you soon!


  1. I'm exhausted just reading all of that. Don't know how you've kept up so far. Glad the editing has really picked up. We'll miss you but sometimes, something has to give.

    1. Alex, you're no slacker. I've often wondered how YOU keep up. I would rather be busy for good reasons like I'm experiencing, that's for sure.

  2. Return to as quickly as you can, please.


    1. Thanks, Janie! You'll hardly have time to miss me.

  3. Replies
    1. (Kidding)

      We all need blog breaks occasionally, and your plate sounds very, very full. Like you, I think it's better to take a break rather than burn yourself out or be a disingenuous blogger. Enjoy that time off - we'll still be here when you get back!

    2. Great comment! Thanks for visiting!

      Busy is good. Stress from busyness is not good. Thankfully I realized the break was needed before things got stressful. These things wax and wane, and I'm looking forward to both the break and to coming back refreshed.

    3. Great post! Thanks for..... Dang it, I almost was able to say it first.

    4. You have to get up pretty early in the morning to beat the Beer guys. Nice try, Noah. You can always think up a substance-less comment for when I'm back.

  4. Nooo!!! Don't go! Don't go! Oh wait . . . this means I don't have to hold back on our regular chats in fear they make it to CC posts???? Hmm, I think I'm gonna have fun with your break. Err, I mean . . . sorry you're so busy (like I din't know), hope the break helps you (I'll be sure to drive you crazy on the side), and come back refreshed when you're ready! (I'll bug you until you give in to come back).

    1. Hey . . . weren't you the one who told me I really needed to declare a break time? And I'm counting on you driving me crazy on the side because that's when we get some of our best Coffee Chats.

  5. I'm a firm believer in letting the real world take priority over blogging time, and in your case, I'm especially glad that it's for all the right reasons. Do whatcha gotta do, come back when you can, and don't worry. I'll keep you in my blogroll so I'll know right away when a new post appears!

    1. Thanks, Silver Fox! I'm hoping I won't be gone too long.

  6. I will miss your posts, but after a little rest(?) you will be coming back strong.

  7. It seems as if we'll both be taking a break about the same time. Glad you're taking yours for such good reasons. See you when you return. Always enjoy my visits.

  8. In order to be creative sometimes one needs to step back. We won't forget you, after all we're in this together.

  9. Hello there.
    Enjoy your break away. Just making a short pit stop from the A-Z Road Trip!

    Entrepreneurial Goddess

  10. Hey Lynda!

    Oh my, your post has some similarities to my own wayward adventures during a total upheaval in my personal life.

    The priority is you, my lovely friend. Breaks are needed to reflect, to take stock and to come back rejuvenated.

    Take good care from the wandering minstrel, Gary :)

  11. Happy New Year to you and your family, Lynda!

  12. Hope all is well. Another A to Z is coming up. Are you up for some blogging again yet?

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Sadly, Arlee, my schedule is still jam-packed and there may be no break in it until almost summer. I really miss blogging but I'm learning that my limits are not as broad as I sometimes think they are.

    2. I can certainly understand that! If things change feel free to jump in. Otherwise we'll catch you down the road somewhere. Best to you!

      Arlee Bird
      A to Z Challenge Co-host
      Tossing It Out

  13. Just popping in after the AtoZ to see what you've written and I haven't. :-)

  14. Still thinking of you.

    (I myself haven't written a blog post in months!)

  15. No time for coffee?! You do need a break!
