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Thursday, May 26, 2016

That Was One Heck of a Blog Break!

So this whole "blog break" thing ended up turning into well over a year and a half of missing my blog (and the whole blogging world, for that matter) but having no time to even think about trying to get back to it. When I was updating my "Links to My Work" page, I realized I hadn't even listed the books I'd worked on for over a year.

HOWEVER . . . I've decided I can't stay away from my blog any longer. I miss the community of fun people, and I miss one of my creative outlets. I miss Coffee Chat with SK Anthony, and am hoping to find her in my kitchen again soon, even though she's busier than I am. Between her own writing and all her projects, I don't know how that's going to happen, but I'm counting on the Sirens' call of the smell of freshly brewed joe to draw her in like peanut butter calls to jelly.

In the meantime, I want to know how everyone has been doing! And don't just say, "Fine." I really, really want to know what I've missed. I know what I've been up to, and you'll hear all about it over the course of time, I'm sure, but for now, tell me the best thing that's happened to you over the past year. Or the worst thing, if you're having one of "those" years. Toot your own horn if you had a major accomplishment. Rat on someone if they screwed you over. Tell me what editing/book topics you'd like for me to address in future posts. Tell me you don't know why you're getting a notification for this blog post because you don't remember who I am or why you followed me. Let's just get the ball rolling again.


  1. Nice to see that you're back. I hope you and S.K. will be able to collaborate again. I had a long stretch with no posting, but I used this year's A to Z Challenge to get me kick-started again.

    1. It does feel good to be starting back up again. S.K. and I are always up to something, but it's simply a matter of finding the time to make it official. I've been catching up with your stuff and am glad you're writing again, too!

  2. Hey Lynda! Welcome back. Wow, has it been that long?
    I'm fine.
    Kidding! Had a book release last year and have been really working on the IWSG site.

    1. Glad to hear you're "fine." lol I was stalking your site a few times over the past months and was thrilled to see the gorgeous lineup of books across your header. Congratulations! I'm slowly catching up with things and happy to reconnect.

  3. Where have you been, young lady??! Let's see, best thing that's happened over the past year... Oh, I've retired, or to put it another way, I've become a full-time writer. Doesn't look like much just written down like that, but it excited the hell out of me, I can tell you!

    1. Jack! Congratulations on becoming a full-time writer! I can't imagine anything more enjoyable than having more time to do the things that make us happy. Good to hear from you.

  4. The longest blog break I've taken was about two months. I think "Oh, I'm so done with blogging" but I always come back. There's no substitute for it.

    1. I never even wanted to take the break in the first place, but when my job changed, I tried for about six months to keep things going and then finally had to take what I thought would be about a three-month break at the most. Silly me. The next 18 months flew by so quickly but boy, did I miss it.

  5. But, I *am*fine, though o_O . . . so . . . what else you want me to say? :P Besides, we technically have "coffee chats" often enough in burst of 2 minutes given both our crazy amount of projects, so I suppose that question is not one for me to answer. Pffft. LOL

    Even so, welcome back!

    1. I'm pretty sure if we post the usual, no one would read us anymore . . .
      You: Coffee?
      Me: Sure!
      You: So how's it going, milady?
      [Ten-minute pause]
      Me: Sorry! Someone came in and interrupted me but I'm free now.
      You: The kids just got home. Let me get them a snack and I'll be back.
      Me: Okay.
      You: Back, are you free?
      Me: Sorry, I'm out of time.
      You: Tomorrow, then?
      Me: You bet, homiecita!

  6. Welcome back Lynda!
    Has it been that long? A year and a half? Sheesh!
    I'm fine...survived another A to Z...still plodding along with the writing...
    I'm looking forward to your collaborative posts with WILL revive those...I hope??

    1. If I hadn't seen the date on my previous blog post, I wouldn't have believed it was that long, either. Great to hear from you, Michelle! I've caught some of your posts here and there and will make the effort to be regular again, since I enjoy your blog. I'm hoping I can sneak some post-able moments with SK. Her post this week gives a little glimpse into the times we actually HAVE been able to enjoy, though. Check it out!

  7. Hi human, Lynda,

    Oh, have you been away from blogging? :) Arf, I'm only joking. Nice to see you make a triumphant return, my amazing human friend!

    I'm just "fine", thank you. Okay, I'm busy looking after my human dad, Gary.

    Welcome back, Lynda!

    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses,

    Penny! xx

    1. Penny! And Gary! This feels much like a family reunion, only without the drama. It's so good to hear from you and to know you're keeping yourself busy. I see in my sidebar that you have a new blog post, so you'll be seeing me again very shortly. Thanks for the warm welcome back!

  8. Welcome back. I thought of you often. Franklin has a younger sister. I adopted her in October and named her Penelope. She has been the best part of our lives since she arrived. We needed a little lady, but we didn't know it. She blogs sometimes, too.


    1. Congratulations on adopting Penelope! I popped over to your blog this week, saw a poem about pain & morphine, and wondered what in the world I've missed in your life. Looking forward to catching up!

  9. Welcome back, Lynda! Great to see you again. We thought you might have vanished for good or gotten sucked into the black void that is the Internet.

    What's up with us - we finished our novel, we signed with an agent to turn this novel into a bestseller, the agent sat on our novel for almost a year while doing almost nothing (she did submit to two places) because she would rather focus on her writing career than ours, and then we fired her, and next week we're releasing this book before it gets so old and outdated that it doesn't even make sense anymore.

    1. I may have gotten sucked in, who knows . . . the months have flown so quickly that I have only the vaguest of recollection of events. In any case, it spit me back out again, so here I am.

      I'd checked out your blog here and there in binge-reading sessions (because they're too good to miss any), and saw that you'd fired your no-good agent so hard that she stopped being an agent. And good thing, too, since she apparently sucked at it. Who wouldn't be able to promote stuff from you guys?? Congratulations on releasing it anyway. Here's hoping you mention her in your acknowledgements in the "no thanks to . . ." section.

    2. That's flattering to know you still stalked us! We did indeed fire her so hard she quit agenting altogether. In fact, one of her clients had to find out from us. He wasn't happy, but he wasn't surprised either since his current manuscript was also being pretty neglected.

      We refuse to even give her a backhanded mention in our acknowledgement section, but we did give a mention to those two Big Six publishers that she submitted to who rejected us. Their rejections were so flatteringly backhanded that they turned into the blurbs on the back of our book. We'll be posting about those on Wednesday.
